Tabulated from 687 brand logos featuring 1,892 distinct colors, excluding Black (#00000) and White (#FFFFFF). Matched against the 167 historical standard Crayola crayon colors (, again not counting black and white.
Color use was weighted to adjust for brands using multiple colors in a logo, i.e., each of three colors used in a brand constituted one-third the weight of a single color brand.
Colors were converted to CIELAB color space and the Euclidian distance was calculated between each of them and the reference crayon colors. A threshold of 5 ΔE or less was chosen to represent a "match", and the results were totaled.
There were a total of 1,712 matches across 108 reference crayon colors. Only the top 50 are included in this chart. For those brand colors that had more than one match within the threshold, only the closest match was counted. Data current to February 2025.
Brand color information from BrandColors (
Based on a similar tabulation conducted by James Archer in 2015, discussed at
Crayola® is a registered trademark of Crayola Properties, Inc.
All trademarks are property of their respective owners and are used solely for illustrative purposes. Their use does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with Artechart.